Haocheng Ren

I'm a master student at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, focusing on Computer Science and Engineering.

My previous research spanned Human-Computer Interaction, particularly in Tutoring 3D physical tasks. Currently, my passion lies in the field of AI and sport medicine, and computational biology. I am working on applying machine learning and deep learning techniques to conquer the challenging biological and medical problems.


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Research Experience

3D Human Object Interaction

Came up a pipeline that conditioned on text, body pose and object orientation, along with DDPM and Classifier-Free Guidance to predit interaction between human and object in 3D.

Rubikon: Intelligent Tutoring for Rubik’s Cube Learning Through AR-enabled Physical Task Reconfiguration

Built an Intelligent Tutoring System from scratch through OpenCV and Python to teach users how to solve rubik’s cubes as an instance, and presented the tutoring system in terms of Augmented Reality.

The credit for the website template goes to Jon Barron.